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ClickHouse SQL Macros for DuckDB

Maintainer(s): lmangani, akvlad

Installing and Loading

INSTALL chsql FROM community;
LOAD chsql;


-- Use 100+ boring ClickHouse SQL function macros in DuckDB SQL queries.

D SELECT toString('world') AS hello, toInt8OrZero('world') AS zero;
  hello   zero  
 varchar  int64 
 world        0 

D SELECT IPv4NumToString(167772161), IPv4StringToNum('');
 ipv4numtostring(167772161)  ipv4stringtonum('') 
          varchar                       int32            
├────────────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────┤                                      167772161 

-- Query a remote ClickHouse instance via HTTP/S API using multiple formats

D SELECT * FROM ch_scan("SELECT number * 100 FROM numbers(3)","", format := 'Parquet');
 multiply(number, 100) 

-- Query the emulated system tables to explore columns, rows, types, storage, etc
D SELECT * FROM system.tables;
D SELECT * FROM system.columns;
D SELECT * FROM system.functions;
D SELECT * FROM system.uptime;
D SELECT * FROM system.disks;
   name        path      free_space  total_space  unreserved_space  keep_free_space   type    object_storage_type  metadata_type  is_encrypted  is_read_only  is_write_once  is_remote  is_broken  cache_path 
 varchar     varchar       int64        int64          int64             int64       varchar        varchar           varchar       boolean       boolean        boolean      boolean    boolean    varchar   
 localdb   test.db                0       262144                 0                0  Local    None                 None           false         false         false          false      false                 
 memory    NULL                   0            0                 0                0  Local    None                 None           false         false         false          false      false                 
 testduck  /tmp/duck.db      262144       786432            262144                0  Local    None                 None           false         false         false          false      false                 

About chsql

DuckDB ClickHouse SQL extension

The DuckDB chsql community extension implements 100+ popular ClickHouse SQL Macros, functions and helpers making it easier for users to transition between OLAP systems ⭐


DuckDB is our favourite OLAP engine but ClickHouse has lots of integrations and users. This extension is dedicated to ClickHouse refugeess.

✔ DuckDB SQL is awesome and full of great functions.<br>
✔ ClickHouse SQL is awesome and full of great functions.

✔ The DuckDB library is ~51M and modular. Can LOAD extensions.<br>
❌ The ClickHouse monolith is ~551M and growing. No extensions.

✔ DuckDB is open source and protected by a no-profit foundation.<br>
❌ ClickHouse is open core and controlled by for-profit corporation.

✔ DuckDB embedded is fast, mature and elegantly integrated in many languages.<br>
❌ chdb is still experimental, unstable and currently only supports Python.


  • chsql_native provides a native clickhouse client (binary) and a reader for ClickHouse Native format files

DuckDB ® is a trademark of DuckDB Foundation. ClickHouse® is a trademark of ClickHouse Inc. All trademarks, service marks, and logos mentioned or depicted are the property of their respective owners. The use of any third-party trademarks, brand names, product names, and company names is purely informative or intended as parody and does not imply endorsement, affiliation, or association with the respective owners.

Added Functions

function_name function_type description comment examples
IPv4NumToString macro Cast IPv4 address from numeric to string format NULL [SELECT IPv4NumToString(2130706433);]
IPv4StringToNum macro Cast IPv4 address from string to numeric format NULL [SELECT IPv4StringToNum('');]
arrayExists macro Check if any element of the array satisfies the condition NULL [SELECT arrayExists(x -> x = 1, [1, 2, 3]);]
arrayMap macro Applies a function to each element of an array NULL [SELECT arrayMap(x -> x + 1, [1, 2, 3]);]
bitCount macro Counts the number of set bits in an integer NULL [SELECT bitCount(15);]
domain macro Extracts the domain from a URL NULL [SELECT domain('');]
extractAllGroups macro Extracts all matching groups from a string using a regular expression NULL [SELECT extractAllGroups('(\d+)', 'abc123');]
formatDateTime macro Formats a DateTime value into a string NULL [SELECT formatDateTime(now(), '%Y-%m-%d');]
generateUUIDv4 macro Generate a UUID v4 value NULL [SELECT generateUUIDv4();]
ifNull macro Returns the first argument if not NULL, otherwise the second NULL [SELECT ifNull(NULL, 'default');]
intDiv macro Performs integer division NULL [SELECT intDiv(10, 3);]
intDivOZero macro Performs integer division but returns zero instead of throwing an error for division by zero NULL [SELECT intDivOZero(10, 0);]
intDivOrNull macro Performs integer division but returns NULL instead of throwing an error for division by zero NULL [SELECT intDivOrNull(10, 0);]
leftPad macro Pads a string on the left to a specified length NULL [SELECT leftPad('abc', 5, '*');]
lengthUTF8 macro Returns the length of a string in UTF-8 characters NULL [SELECT lengthUTF8('Привет');]
match macro Performs a regular expression match on a string NULL [SELECT match('abc123', '\d+');]
minus macro Performs subtraction of two numbers NULL [SELECT minus(5, 3);]
modulo macro Calculates the remainder of division (modulus) NULL [SELECT modulo(10, 3);]
moduloOrZero macro Calculates modulus but returns zero instead of error on division by zero NULL [SELECT moduloOrZero(10, 0);]
notEmpty macro Check if a string is not empty NULL [SELECT notEmpty('abc');]
numbers table_macro Generates a sequence of numbers starting from 0 Returns a table with a single column (UInt64) [SELECT * FROM numbers(10);]
parseURL macro Extracts parts of a URL NULL [SELECT parseURL('', 'host');]
path macro Extracts the path from a URL NULL [SELECT path('');]
plus macro Performs addition of two numbers NULL [SELECT plus(5, 3);]
protocol macro Extracts the protocol from a URL NULL [SELECT protocol('');]
read_parquet_mergetree table Merge parquet files using a primary sorting key for fast range queries experimental [COPY (SELECT * FROM read_parquet_mergetree(['/folder/*.parquet'], 'sortkey') TO 'sorted.parquet';]
rightPad macro Pads a string on the right to a specified length NULL [SELECT rightPad('abc', 5, '*');]
splitByChar macro Splits a string by a given character NULL [SELECT splitByChar(',', 'a,b,c');]
toDayOfMonth macro Extracts the day of the month from a date NULL [SELECT toDayOfMonth('2023-09-10');]
toFixedString macro Converts a value to a fixed-length string NULL [SELECT toFixedString('abc', 5);]
toFloatOrNull macro Converts a value to float or returns NULL if the conversion fails NULL [SELECT toFloatOrNull('abc');]
toFloatOrZero macro Converts a value to float or returns zero if the conversion fails NULL [SELECT toFloatOrZero('abc');]
toHour macro Extracts the hour from a DateTime value NULL [SELECT toHour(now());]
toInt128 macro Converts a value to a 128-bit integer NULL [SELECT toInt128('123456789012345678901234567890');]
toInt16 macro Converts a value to a 16-bit integer NULL [SELECT toInt16('123');]
toInt16OrNull macro Converts to a 16-bit integer or returns NULL on failure NULL [SELECT toInt16OrNull('abc');]
toInt16OrZero macro Converts to a 16-bit integer or returns zero on failure NULL [SELECT toInt16OrZero('abc');]
toInt256 macro Converts a value to a 256-bit integer NULL [SELECT toInt256('12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890');]
toInt256OrNull macro Converts to a 256-bit integer or returns NULL on failure NULL [SELECT toInt256OrNull('abc');]
toInt256OrZero macro Converts to a 256-bit integer or returns zero on failure NULL [SELECT toInt256OrZero('abc');]
toInt32 macro Converts a value to a 32-bit integer NULL [SELECT toInt32('123');]
toInt32OrNull macro Converts to a 32-bit integer or returns NULL on failure NULL [SELECT toInt32OrNull('abc');]
toInt32OrZero macro Converts to a 32-bit integer or returns zero on failure NULL [SELECT toInt32OrZero('abc');]
toInt64 macro Converts a value to a 64-bit integer NULL [SELECT toInt64('123');]
toInt64OrNull macro Converts to a 64-bit integer or returns NULL on failure NULL [SELECT toInt64OrNull('abc');]
toInt64OrZero macro Converts to a 64-bit integer or returns zero on failure NULL [SELECT toInt64OrZero('abc');]
toInt8 macro Converts a value to an 8-bit integer NULL [SELECT toInt8('123');]
toInt8OrNull macro Converts to an 8-bit integer or returns NULL on failure NULL [SELECT toInt8OrNull('abc');]
toInt8OrZero macro Converts to an 8-bit integer or returns zero on failure NULL [SELECT toInt8OrZero('abc');]
toMinute macro Extracts the minute from a DateTime value NULL [SELECT toMinute(now());]
toMonth macro Extracts the month from a Date value NULL [SELECT toMonth('2023-09-10');]
toSecond macro Extracts the second from a DateTime value NULL [SELECT toSecond(now());]
toString macro Converts a value to a string NULL [SELECT toString(123);]
toUInt16 macro Converts a value to an unsigned 16-bit integer NULL [SELECT toUInt16('123');]
toUInt16OrZero macro Converts to an unsigned 16-bit integer or returns zero on failure NULL [SELECT toUInt16OrZero('abc');]
toUInt32 macro Converts a value to an unsigned 32-bit integer NULL [SELECT toUInt32('123');]
toUInt32OrNull macro Converts to an unsigned 32-bit integer or returns NULL on failure NULL [SELECT toUInt32OrNull('abc');]
toUInt32OrZero macro Converts to an unsigned 32-bit integer or returns zero on failure NULL [SELECT toUInt32OrZero('abc');]
toUInt64 macro Converts a value to an unsigned 64-bit integer NULL [SELECT toUInt64('123');]
toUInt64OrNull macro Converts to an unsigned 64-bit integer or returns NULL on failure NULL [SELECT toUInt64OrNull('abc');]
toUInt64OrZero macro Converts to an unsigned 64-bit integer or returns zero on failure NULL [SELECT toUInt64OrZero('abc');]
toUInt8OrNull macro Converts to an unsigned 8-bit integer or returns NULL on failure NULL [SELECT toUInt8OrNull('abc');]
toUInt8OrZero macro Converts to an unsigned 8-bit integer or returns zero on failure NULL [SELECT toUInt8OrZero('abc');]
toYYYYMM macro Formats a Date to 'YYYYMM' string format NULL [SELECT toYYYYMM('2023-09-10');]
toYYYYMMDD macro Formats a Date to 'YYYYMMDD' string format NULL [SELECT toYYYYMMDD('2023-09-10');]
toYYYYMMDDhhmmss macro Formats a DateTime to 'YYYYMMDDhhmmss' string format NULL [SELECT toYYYYMMDDhhmmss(now());]
toYear macro Extracts the year from a Date or DateTime value NULL [SELECT toYear('2023-09-10');]
topLevelDomain macro Extracts the top-level domain (TLD) from a URL NULL [SELECT topLevelDomain('');]
tupleConcat macro Concatenates two tuples into one tuple NULL [SELECT tupleConcat((1, 'a'), (2, 'b'));]
tupleDivide macro Performs element-wise division between two tuples NULL [SELECT tupleDivide((10, 20), (2, 5));]
tupleDivideByNumber macro Divides each element of a tuple by a number NULL [SELECT tupleDivideByNumber((10, 20), 2);]
tupleIntDiv macro Performs element-wise integer division between two tuples NULL [SELECT tupleIntDiv((10, 20), (3, 4));]
tupleIntDivByNumber macro Performs integer division of each element of a tuple by a number NULL [SELECT tupleIntDivByNumber((10, 20), 3);]
tupleMinus macro Performs element-wise subtraction between two tuples NULL [SELECT tupleMinus((10, 20), (5, 3));]
tupleModulo macro Performs element-wise modulus between two tuples NULL [SELECT tupleModulo((10, 20), (3, 6));]
tupleModuloByNumber macro Calculates the modulus of each element of a tuple by a number NULL [SELECT tupleModuloByNumber((10, 20), 3);]
tupleMultiply macro Performs element-wise multiplication between two tuples NULL [SELECT tupleMultiply((10, 20), (2, 5));]
tupleMultiplyByNumber macro Multiplies each element of a tuple by a number NULL [SELECT tupleMultiplyByNumber((10, 20), 3);]
tuplePlus macro Performs element-wise addition between two tuples NULL [SELECT tuplePlus((1, 2), (3, 4));]
url table_macro Performs queries against remote URLs using the specified format Supports JSON, CSV, PARQUET, TEXT, BLOB [SELECT * FROM url('','JSON');]
JSONExtract macro Extracts JSON data based on key from a JSON object NULL [SELECT JSONExtract(json_column, '');]
JSONExtractUInt macro Extracts JSON data as an unsigned integer from a JSON object NULL [SELECT JSONExtractUInt(json_column, 'user.age');]
JSONExtractInt macro Extracts JSON data as a 32-bit integer from a JSON object NULL [SELECT JSONExtractInt(json_column, 'user.balance');]
JSONExtractFloat macro Extracts JSON data as a double from a JSON object NULL [SELECT JSONExtractFloat(json_column, 'user.score');]
JSONExtractRaw macro Extracts raw JSON data based on key from a JSON object NULL [SELECT JSONExtractRaw(json_column, 'user.address');]
JSONHas macro Checks if a JSON key exists and is not null NULL [SELECT JSONHas(json_column, '');]
JSONLength macro Returns the length of a JSON array NULL [SELECT JSONLength(json_column, 'items');]
JSONType macro Determines the type of JSON element at the given path NULL [SELECT JSONType(json_column, '');]
JSONExtractKeys macro Extracts keys from a JSON object NULL [SELECT JSONExtractKeys(json_column);]
JSONExtractValues macro Extracts all values as text from a JSON object NULL [SELECT JSONExtractValues(json_column);]
equals macro Checks if two values are equal NULL [SELECT equals(column_a, column_b);]
notEquals macro Checks if two values are not equal NULL [SELECT notEquals(column_a, column_b);]
less macro Checks if one value is less than another NULL [SELECT less(column_a, column_b);]
greater macro Checks if one value is greater than another NULL [SELECT greater(column_a, column_b);]
lessOrEquals macro Checks if one value is less than or equal to another NULL [SELECT lessOrEquals(column_a, column_b);]
greaterOrEquals macro Checks if one value is greater than or equal to another NULL [SELECT greaterOrEquals(column_a, column_b);]
dictGet macro Retrieves an attribute from a VARIABLE string or MAP NULL [SELECT dictGet('dictionary_name', 'attribute');]
arrayJoin macro Unroll an array into multiple rows NULL [SELECT arrayJoin([1, 2, 3]);]
ch_scan table_macro Query a remote ClickHouse server using HTTP/s API Returns the query results [SELECT * FROM ch_scan('SELECT version()','', format := 'parquet');]
empty macro Check if a string is empty NULL [SELECT empty('');]
toFloat macro Converts a value to a float NULL [SELECT toFloat('123.45');]
toInt128OrNull macro Converts to a 128-bit integer or returns NULL on failure NULL [SELECT toInt128OrNull('abc');]
toInt128OrZero macro Converts to a 128-bit integer or returns zero on failure NULL [SELECT toInt128OrZero('abc');]
toUInt16OrNull macro Converts to an unsigned 16-bit integer or returns NULL on failure NULL [SELECT toUInt16OrNull('abc');]
toUInt8 macro Converts a value to an unsigned 8-bit integer NULL [SELECT toUInt8('123');]
JSONExtractString macro Extracts JSON data as a VARCHAR from a JSON object NULL [SELECT JSONExtractString(json_column, '');]
system_columns table NULL NULL [NULL]
chsql_openssl_version scalar NULL NULL [NULL]
system_functions table NULL NULL [NULL]
uptime scalar NULL NULL [NULL]
url_flock table NULL NULL [NULL]
system_disks table NULL NULL [NULL]
system_tables table NULL NULL [NULL]
chsql scalar NULL NULL [NULL]
system_databases table NULL NULL [NULL]